Advising Made to Order
I know that finding the right college fit starts with a smart college search and application process. I am ready to help you discover the best colleges for you. My advising process is made to order, treating every high school student as the unique individual they are. Some students come to us excited to get started while others are apprehensive; I help every student begin their college search with confidence by meeting them where they are and creating a path forward together. While I provide professional support to all of our students, I know the reluctant student also needs encouragement, the narrowly-focused student should be developing a broader outlook, and the disorganized student will benefit from a well-structured approach.
Each time I meet a new student and family, the initial conversation includes a discussion of how we can best serve their individual college advising needs. Some families have particular ideas of what they want while others need a plan to get started. Every family receives advice based on the requirements and concerns of their student and I continue to shape and re-shape this plan as the student’s college journey unfolds. I am always happy to discuss how my advising can be tailored to fit your goals.
What I Offer
High School Planning for College
Starting Freshman or Sophomore Year
I will meet with students and parents as early as freshman year to advise on curricular and extracurricular high school planning. My focus is on making appropriate choices that will positively impact both the high school experience and the college search and application process.
College Search and Application Advising Starting Junior Year Through Graduation
Junior year of high school is when I get started with students on the college search process. Every student’s college search dovetails with the application process starting the summer before senior year. My comprehensive advising includes help with college decisions right through the summer following senior year.

You helped Nicholas understand how much colleges would want to hear about his Russian life, how his distinctive outlook would be welcome on American campuses. Now he just has to choose which college he wants to attend.
Get Started
If you would like to work with Greystone Educational Consulting, call or text Maggie at 781.405.2947 or email at jackson.mag@gmail.com to set up an appointment. Then download and fill out the INTAKE FORM to give back to Maggie at our initial meeting.
At Greystone Educational Consulting, my goal is to help my clients get into a great college, as well as become happy, engaged college students and healthy, successful adults. I am a Professional Member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association and proudly serve on their outreach committee.
Contact Greystone Educational Consulting.
Call or text Maggie at 781.405.2947 or email her at jackson.mag@gmail.com with questions, for more information or to set up an initial appointment
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